In Martinique when the Christmas holidays are near, everybody prepares their house.
First you should have a branch of filao to decorate it and as you do in your country, to put your gifts underneath. We listen to Christmas songs and every Friday we organise Christmas carols to enjoy ourselves in the street.
Secondly, we prepare something to eat: pork, turkey, Christmas ham (jambon de Noël), black pudding,mince pies and on Christmas day, the people go to their family's to share a good moment. And when it is 12 p.m we open our gifts and drink champagne.
Lindsay A, Agnès P and Darlin J-B, 1ère L LVA
mardi 19 décembre 2017
Our Christmas traditions
When Christmas is coming, we sing Christmas carols at people's or in the street. The tradition is to celebrate Christmas with the whole family with a good meal and the children receive Christmas presents, the house is decorated with a fir-tree... We eat salted pork and local vegetables, we drink different types of liquor for example coconut, strawberry, etc... and we have a Christmas log for dessert.
Lisa L-A, Ericka L-M, 1ère L LVA
Lisa L-A, Ericka L-M, 1ère L LVA
Tourism in Martinique
During the Christmas holidays, many tourists will come to martinique on cruise ships. They are from different nationalities. Those cruise ship make land either at Fort-de-france, the Capital city of Martinique, off shore in Saint-Pierre or Anses d'Arlets. The tourists come for our different customs and they try them : they drink schrub, eat Christmas smoked ham, pigeon's peas we call in French pois d'Angole, yam with salted pork tail and stewed pork meat.
Aurélie M, Noreen S L and Anthony V, 1ère L LVA
Aurélie M, Noreen S L and Anthony V, 1ère L LVA
Aurélie M and Noreen |
We like sports
In our high school, we practise sports such as gmnastics, aerobics, fitness, dance, soccer, basket-ball and acrobatic gymnastics. We train to always come first in competition.
The training is very hard, our teachers motivate us to go beyond our capacities. All the sports combined are gathered under an organisation called UNSS which means National Union of School sports. Along the years there are competitions to showcase the evolution of students against each others.
In aerobics, we came in first place for two years straight in Martinique and fourth place overall in France.
Emmanuella F and Aurélie B, 1ère L LVA
vendredi 1 décembre 2017

Bientôt nous déplacerons nos écoles! Autour dans un mois et donc l'emballage d'objets scolaires a été commencé et est transporté à la nouvelle école. En raison d'avoir un nombre d'étudiants à notre école, les étudiants ont été assignés dans deux campus différents. Des années 7,8,12 et 13 ont été mis dans un campus et des années 9,10 et 11 ont été mis dans un autre campus. Personnellement je constate que ceci décante est bon et mauvais. Bon parce qu'ils construisent une nouvelle école, cependant, le nouveau campus va être très loin de ma maison donc je devrai me réveiller encore plus tôt. Finalement, cela a été un grand voyage à cette école et nous tous manquerons nos bonnes expériences passées aussi des connexions avec notre vieille école.
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