February is the month of partying. The schools of Martinique organize school activities to distract the children. They can put outfit and accessories during the last week before the Carnival holiday.
Agnes P
Carnival officially begins on the Friday night before Carnival Sunday. In Martinique, People love carnival and they dress up for fun. Every day there is a different theme. On Monday, The theme is funny wedding, women dress like men and men dress like women. On Shrove Tuesday which is also called Mardi Gras everyone dresses in red and it is the day for people wearing red devils' fancy costumes. On Ash Wednesday, everybody wears black and white for the incineration of Vaval.
Noreen St-L and Aurélie M
Brief description https://imgur.com/a/UuEsZ5t https://imgur.com/a/zQbe2hV https://imgur.com/a/pEjlVrs http://u7gtke0t84.dip.jp https://imgur.com/a/jpqI90w https://imgur.com/a/uxvAUPx https://imgur.com/a/1QoVxAc