Kepone, also known as chlordecone, is an insecticide with such a disastrous effect that it is now prohibited in the western world. Despite a 1990 ban of the substance by France, the powerful planter community in Martinique lobbied intensively to continue using kepone until 1993 on banana plantations against weevil. Consequently, the Antilles have one of the highest prostate cancer rate in the world.
Benjamin M. 2nde 2
Aerial spraying of
pesticides is a technique both harmful to the environment and to public
health. It is like "a weapon of mass destruction" on a people who did
not ask for it but today asks you to listen before this sad adventure of
spreading turns more into a nightmare that has already begun.
Solutions are making demonstrations and a new waiver to stop the use of other pesticides by helicopter on the island for at least a moment.

This is a very nice piece of writing and has a lot of relevant information.
RépondreSupprimerWill Martinique's agricultural income drop when pesticides stop being used?
RépondreSupprimerYes, it's sure, but we must find other solutions: pesticides are too many dangerous!
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RépondreSupprimerAre there any bad impacts of banning pesticides?