Last month, we enjoyed Carnival. Martinique has the most original and popular carnival in the world. Indeed, in spite of the presence of associations and organized groups, everybody can participate : the atmosphere is so good and hot that it is not rare to just come and look at the parade and get into the carnival to have fun. We used to take what we found home to make a carnival costume. But today, fancy dresses are more modern : fluorescent hats, suspenders, silvered tights, sequined suits can be bought at Haitian traders.
There are elections of kings and queens of carnival in several towns and high schools. Every Sunday for one month preceding Shrove Tuesday week, people dance and jump in the streets on rhythms of drum bands and sound systems on trucks. Primary schools have their big parade in the streets on the last day of school before carnival week. Parents love to admire their 6 to 10-year-olds singing and dancing with their schoolfriends wearing their best fancy-dresses watched by their teachers also wearing carnival costumes.
In the traditional popular parades, we see characters such as 'Marianne-Lapo-Fig' (people completely hidden under masses of dried banana leaves), 'Neg-gwo-siwo' (characters symbolizing slavery time, covered with a mixture of sugar cane syrup and crushed coal ), red devils (inspired by African masks). Some of them are so impressive that they scare the crowd off.
Every year, a huge 'dummy' called 'Vaval', the Carnival king, is driven on a truck ahead of the parade and portrays the caricature of a recent issue in society or politics. During this carnival, it was a mosquito which has been the cause of a bad flu in the region. He is burnt on Ash Wednesday, marking the end of Carnival.

Océane B, 2nde 2
Carnival is a tradition in Martinique and the West Indies. The population loves it : they can dance and wear funny costumes,... The three main days of the final Carnival week are Monday with funny mock weddings where men are dressed as women and women as men. On Shrove Tuesday, you have to wear red even if you just watch the parade. Ash Wednesday is a sad day representing the end and the death of the king of carnival (the dummy); so you must put black and white clothes on (mourning colours).
There are a lot of parades : the best one is in Fort-de-France, the capital of Martinique. In each little town, there is at least one carnival group performing with drums and other instruments.
Carnival is the best holiday of the year.
Anemone , Astrid 2nde 3
Carnival is a tradition that takes place during one week each year.
Each group during the carnival parade are in the streets with different costumes and different themes .
During this period a lot of tourists come to visit the capital and its various products.
Alexandra, 2nde 3
I did't celebrate carnival because I don't like these holiday. I think that celebration is bad. I don't
dress up for carnival. This year, I wore a black skirt and a pink pullover, to be different from other
people. I think fancy dresses are silly.
The mosquito burning on ash Wednesday this year.
I don't participate in the carnival on the other hand I like the holidays his allows to rest.
RépondreSupprimerThis year, I saw Carnival in Fort-de-France. Haven't noticed that in a long time! I didn't really enjoy myself (maybe the atmosphere was too hot and festive for me), but I took some photos, and I will try to put them on the blog. Some carnival costumes were nice, but some young people (especially girls) were very scantily clad, and the atmosphere wasn't always very positive, but, apparently, people were very happy !!
RépondreSupprimerThe Carnival is quite interesting - it is a mix of Pagan (traditional and shamaistic) rituals with Christian things. You have great parades and dances mirroring traditional dances but the times correspond with the Christian holidays of Ash Wednesday and Palm Tuesday, which is quite interesting!
RépondreSupprimerc'est tres interesant et amusant le carnival. Aujourdui, on a un carnival cultural. je ne vais pas participer mais on a un raffle ou on peut gagenr des choses.
RépondreSupprimerWhy didn't you participe to this cultural Carnival?
Supprimeri was searching up carnival Martinique on google image and I found this picture I would love to visit the carnival and really love to wear the costume.
RépondreSupprimerNo problem, what about come to Martinique for Carnival 2015?! :) ;)
SupprimerVaval represents the recent problem of the society or politics.
RépondreSupprimerI'm always waiting for the next Vaval! I like actualities and I like to discover which problems of the year inspired the artists to make Vaval!!
SupprimerThe news allow us to remain to inform of what is happening here and around the world.
SupprimerCarnival is a festive season which occurs immediately before Lent; the main events are usually during February