samedi 26 octobre 2013

What I did the day before

Yesterday, I woke up very early, at 4:00 o'clock in the morning. 
I took a shower, dressed up, had breakfast and left home at 5:30 AM. I caught the bus to go downtown and waited for the school bus which left at 6:30 AM. We arrived at the high school at 7:00 o'clock.
I went to say hello to my friends. 
After the whole day, I went back home and I did my homework.
I had dinner, I spent a moment with my mother and at 8:30 PM, I went to sleep.

Emy, 2nde3

 Chicken breast with vanilla white sauce, rice, fried carrots and fresh parsley.

4 commentaires:

  1. Why do you wake up so early?

  2. Do you take regularly photograph your meals, or have you just taken this photograph for this blog?

  3. What's a typical Martinique breakfast?

  4. Why would you have to go downtown in the morning? Does the school bus not pick you up from home?
