On Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th September, 2016, Martinique was hit with Tropical Storm Matthew. The winds were very strong and it rained a lot. The roads were completely flooded especially in Riviere Salée and areas close to large water masses.
The electricity was cut off in several communities during the two days and other communities were just for a few hours. The water lines were also closed in areas example; in Saint Joseph because they don't have large companies. The electricity poles had fallen all over the island and numerous trees were uprooted and obstructed the highways. Luckily in Martinique, nobody was injured and the damages to certain properties were minor.
Officially, our school ; Acajou 1, was reopened today 30th September. The rest of the schools on island will start on Monday.
Our two neighbouring islands namely; Saint Lucia and Dominica were also affected by the storm but more so Dominica because they lost a large population of banana crops.
Click on this link below to have a glimpse of the damages done to Martinique:
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